Credit cards are often perceived as tools for making purchases or accumulating debt, but when used wisely, they offer a range of benefits that can save you significant amounts of money. Savvy credit card users understand that the perks and protections offered by many credit cards can provide value far beyond cash back or points. Surprisingly, there are some benefits that most people overlook or don’t utilize to their full potential, leaving money on the table.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into three lesser-known yet highly valuable credit card benefits: Cell Phone Insurance, Extended Warranties, and TSA PreCheck reimbursement. If you’re not taking advantage of these perks, you’re missing out on substantial savings and enhanced peace of mind. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how to leverage these benefits and make your credit card work harder for you.

Cell Phone Insurance—Protect Your Device Without Paying Extra

Have you ever dropped your phone, only to see your screen shatter or the phone become inoperable? The cost of repairing or replacing a phone can be substantial. This is where your credit card’s cell phone insurance can come to the rescue. Many people are unaware that certain credit cards offer cell phone protection if you pay your monthly bill with the card.

What Is Cell Phone Insurance?

Cell phone insurance provided through credit cards acts as supplemental coverage for your phone in the event of damage, loss, or theft. It typically covers repairs or replacement, up to a specified dollar amount, and can save you from the hefty fees charged by repair shops or the need to buy a new phone entirely.

How Does It Work?

To take advantage of this benefit, you need to pay your monthly cell phone bill with an eligible credit card. If your phone is damaged or stolen, you can file a claim with your credit card company for reimbursement of repair costs or the value of the phone, up to the policy limit. Keep in mind that most policies have a small deductible, usually ranging from $25 to $50, but this is still much lower than the cost of a new device.

Extended Warranties—More Protection for Your Electronics

We’ve all experienced the frustration of having an electronic device break down shortly after its manufacturer warranty expires. Whether it’s a laptop that suddenly stops working or a TV that malfunctions, repair costs can be a significant out-of-pocket expense. Fortunately, many credit cards offer an extended warranty benefit that can double or even triple the original warranty period.

What Is Extended Warranty Protection?

Extended warranty protection is a benefit that many credit cards offer, which extends the manufacturer’s warranty on eligible items purchased with the card. This coverage typically kicks in after the original warranty expires and can last for an additional year or more, depending on the credit card.

TSA PreCheck—Travel Faster and Easier with Your Credit Card

Travel can be stressful, especially when dealing with long security lines at the airport. TSA PreCheck allows travelers to go through an expedited security screening process, saving time and hassle. While enrolling in TSA PreCheck typically costs $85 for five years, some credit cards will reimburse you for this fee, making it essentially free. (Usually this benefit is provided from American Express)

What Is TSA PreCheck?

TSA PreCheck is a U.S. government program that allows pre-approved travelers to use dedicated security lanes at airports. With TSA PreCheck, you don’t have to remove shoes, laptops, liquids, belts, or light jackets during the screening process, which significantly reduces wait times.


Credit cards offer more than just convenience—they can save you money in unexpected ways. By taking advantage of benefits like cell phone insurance, extended warranties, and TSA PreCheck reimbursement, you can unlock the full potential of your credit cards and keep more money in your pocket. Make sure you’re fully aware of the perks your credit card offers and start using them today.