7 Classic Books on Personal Finance
Introduction: The Gateway to Financial Freedom Financial literacy is one of the most empowering skills you can develop, and it plays a significant role in shaping the quality of your life. Yet, many individuals find themselves unprepared to handle money effectively,...
Seven Pieces of FREE Software You Should Be Using
Let’s face it: software is expensive, and in today’s economy, money is tight. Many people tend to gravitate toward well-known, mainstream software solutions simply because of their brand recognition. However, there are a variety of open-source or free alternatives...
3 Ways Your Credit Card Can Save You Money That You’re Not Using
Credit cards are often perceived as tools for making purchases or accumulating debt, but when used wisely, they offer a range of benefits that can save you significant amounts of money. Savvy credit card users understand that the perks and protections offered by many...
Lifetime vs. 12-Month Prevalence: Understanding and Applying Key Statistical Concepts
Greetings, readers! Are you ready to delve into some statistics and learn about prevalence? You've come to the right place. In this blog post, we're going to differentiate between lifetime prevalence and 12-month prevalence using a real-world example. By the end,...
The Evolution of Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and Their Impact on Financialization
The financial landscape has undergone significant changes in recent decades, with one of the most critical developments being the growth of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). These financial instruments have played a key role in the financialization of the...
The Origin and Nature of Derivatives and their Connection to the Financialization of the Economy
Introduction: Derivatives are financial instruments that derive value from an underlying asset, index, or reference rate. They were initially developed as tools to help manage risk, but are now widely used for speculation and leverage. The growth of the derivatives...
Overlapping Consensus vs. Comprehensive Doctrines: Understanding the Difference
In political philosophy, the concepts of overlapping consensus and comprehensive doctrines play important roles in understanding how individuals and groups with diverse beliefs can coexist in society. While overlapping consensus emphasizes cooperation and compromise,...
“Financial Engineering Instruments: What They Are, How They Impact Average Workers, and Why They Require Proper Regulation”
The world of finance is complex, and the use of financial engineering instruments has become increasingly popular in recent years. These instruments are designed to provide investors with greater flexibility and diversification in their investment portfolios, but they...
The Rise of Financialization: Trading and Manipulation Strategies of Financial Assets and Their Impact on the Economy
The financialization of the market has been a topic of discussion in the finance industry for many years. It involves a range of trading and manipulation strategies of financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives. These strategies are designed to generate...
The Financialization of the Economy: How It Hurts the Average Citizen
The term financialization refers to the increasing dominance of financial institutions and markets over the economy, with a shift away from productive investment in real assets to speculative investments in financial assets. While financialization has been a key...
When Will Black Men Gain the Gumption to Speak Up for Themselves?
Lately, I've been wondering, when will the bulk of Black men begin to speak up for themselves and tell the world what they really think and feel? It's not as if Black men, both educated and uneducated, don't know that they are plagued by a plethora of problems:...
Why I Advocate for Black Men
Just got a call from a good brother of mine who I haven’t spoken to in years. He told me his daughters weren’t speaking to him. I said, “Hmm. Let me guess. You got divorced and they sided with your ex-wife.” He said (hesitantly), “Yes.” I then guessed a number of...