
Overlapping Consensus vs. Comprehensive Doctrines: Understanding the Difference

In political philosophy, the concepts of overlapping consensus and comprehensive doctrines play important roles in understanding how individuals and groups with diverse beliefs ca...

“Financial Engineering Instruments: What They Are, How They Impact Average Workers, and Why They Require Proper Regulation”

The world of finance is complex, and the use of financial engineering instruments has become increasingly popular in recent years. These instruments are designed to provide invest...

The Rise of Financialization: Trading and Manipulation Strategies of Financial Assets and Their Impact on the Economy

The financialization of the market has been a topic of discussion in the finance industry for many years. It involves a range of trading and manipulation strategies of financial a...

When Will Black Men Gain the Gumption to Speak Up for Themselves?

Lately, I've been wondering, when will the bulk of Black men begin to speak up for themselves and tell the world what they really think and feel? It's not as if Black men, bot...

Why I Advocate for Black Men

Just got a call from a good brother of mine who I haven’t spoken to in years. He told me his daughters weren’t speaking to him. I said, “Hmm. Let me guess. You got divorced and th...